Right direction, review and publication of manuscripts of scientific works in the journal "Biomedicine"

1. An order of the direction and publication of manuscripts in the reviewed edition

1.1. Journal "Biomedicine" publishes review articles, experimental and educational plan that were not published earlier in other publications. As a priority, printed articles on biological, mathematical and complex modeling. Particular attention is paid to the genetic, microbiological and environmental standards in laboratory animals, in accordance with the recommendations of GLP and Russian regulations. Accepted manuscripts relating to preclinical and clinical drug trials performed on classical and alternative biological objects. Published work on introduction into laboratory practice new kinds of animal models of value to biomedical research as test systems, biological modeling of human disease states, producing vaccines and serums cell cultures, organs and tissues for xenotransplantation. The problems of ensuring the representativeness, reproducibility and extrapolation to man of data obtained in biomedical experiments on animals. A significant place is given to articles on the development and implementation of new biomedical technologies.

1.2. Journal rubrication:

• Reviews;

• Original articles;

• Brief communications;

• Workshop;

• Regulations.

Reviews of scientific literature on the subjects corresponding to a journal profile, methodological articles are published in the heading "Reviews" (the maximum volume of the manuscript – up to 12 p., the maximum number of exiles – up to 35).

In the heading "Original Articles" the works reflecting results of complete researches are printed (up to 10 p., up to 25 references).

In "Short messages" the complete fragments of works which are of independent interest are given (to 4 p., up to 15 references).

"Practical work" – an educational and methodical heading where descriptions of the techniques used in biomedicine, new technologies are located (up to 6 p., up to 10 references).

In the heading "Normative documents" rules of treatment of laboratory animals, the domestic and international acts regulating use of biomodels in experiments are printed (up to 3 p.).

1.3. Actual sections of the journal:

• New biomedical technologies;

• Relevant and alternative biomodeling;

• Methods for biomedical research;

• Laboratory animals;

• Genetics of laboratory animals;

• Preclinical studies of new medical technologies;

• Clinical trials of new medical technologies;

• The efficiency and endurance in sports biomedicine;

• New regulatory peptides;

• Farmakonutrients and sports nutrition;

• Information materials and regulations.

1.4. General requirements to registration

1.4.1. The article should be submitted in two copies with printing and electronic version of the text typed in Microsoft Word type Times New Roman, size 12 on one side of an interval between lines 1 and 2.5 cm margin on all sides. Pagination - on top of the center (on the first page of her number is not stamped).

1.4.2. The first page should indicate:

• prospective section of the journal;

• article title;

• initials and surnames of authors;

• institution in which work was done;

• city or locality.

On the same page printed abstract (no more than 250 words) and key words (no more than 6 words). Latin names should be in italics.

1.4.3. At the end of the article is a list of references (see. paragraph 1.4.10 "Literature"), his transliteration is carried out (the section "References", according to requirements of "Scopus"), and put handwritten signatures of all the authors of the manuscript. On separate sheets, are printed the title of the work, the full name of the authors, the abstract and key words translated into English; contact information - full name of the author who communicates with the editors, academic degree (in the presence), postal address, telephone number, e-mail address.

1.4.4. Attach the cover letter from the establishment which directed operation, the containing permission to the publication in the open press to the manuscript (or the copy of the minutes of expert council).

1.4.5. Articles written by results of experimental studies should (if possible) constructed under the scheme: "Introduction", "Materials and methods", "The results of research", "Discussion of results", "Conclusion", "Bibliography". For works intended for the category "Brief" section "Discussion of results" is optional, and the number of references should be minimal. The form of presentation of reviews and theoretical papers is free.

1.4.6. Articles describing studies performed on experimental animals or alternative biological objects in the section "Materials and methods" should contain the following information: organism, organ, tissue, cell culture, microbial culture, subcellular, molecular level of experimental objects.

In those works where laboratory animals were used, it should be indicated:

• biological species;

• sex;

• age;

• the mass of the animal;

• genetic status: inbred lines, populations of non-linear animals, hybrids, genetically modified organisms (transgenic, knockout);

• the source from which the animals were obtained;

• microbiological status: gnotobiota, SPF, conventional;

• containment conditions: vivarium, insulator, barrier system, cell type, planting density, feeding and drinking regime.

1.4.7. Statistical processing of results and tables

Tables should contain only generalized and statistically processed research materials. It is necessary to specify method of processing the results and the raw data necessary for calculations. The information presented in the tables should not be repeated in the text of the article. Tables should be numbered and entitled. The text in parentheses refers to them, for example: (tab. 1).

1.4.8. Illustrative material

Figures should not duplicate the materials of the tables. All designations on them need to be accompanied with explanations in the caption to the drawing. Illustrations should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. If the picture or photo is printed on separate sheets, the names of the authors, the title of the article, the number of the figure, the "top" should be indicated on the back (pencil).

For micrographs, it is necessary to indicate a way of fixing the samples and increasing.

Requirements for illustrations on floppy disks or CD-ROMs:

• black and white graphics – resolution: at least 600 dots per inch, format: EPS or TIFF;

• halftone and color images – resolution of at least 300 dots per inch, EPS or TIFF format;

• diagrams and graphs (vector images) are presented in the native format of the program Adobe Illustrator, FreeHand or CorelDraw or in EPS format with the application of the source (tabular) data on which the charts / diagrams are constructed.

1.4.9. Abbreviations

In addition to the generally accepted, no more than three abbreviations of terms are allowed, with the obligatory indication of the full name (in parentheses) at the first mention in the text.

1.4.10. Literature

Quoted in the article is a general list of literature at the end of the article in alphabetical order (first – in Russian, then – in foreign languages). References to the literature cited in the text are marked serial number of works in the bibliography, in square brackets. The names of foreign authors at the first mention in the text are indicated (if necessary) in the original language.

The list of references includes:

• for books: surnames and initials of all authors, title, place of publication, publisher's name, year of publication, quoted pages, or the total number of pages in the book (if the text of the article contains several references to this book).


1. Даренская Н.Г., Ушаков И.Б., Иванов И.В. Экстраполяция экспериментальных данных на человека в физиологии и радиологии. – М.-Воронеж: ИСТОКИ. – 2004. – С. 232.


1. Darenskaja N.G., Ushakov I.B., Ivanov I.V. Jekstrapoljacija jeksperimental'nyh dannyh na cheloveka v fiziologii i radiologii [Extrapolation of experimental data per person in physiology and radiology]. Moscow-Voronezh: ISTOKI. 2004. 232 p. (In Russian).

• for the chapter (article) in the book: the surnames and initials of the authors of the chapter, the title of the chapter, the title of the book, the names and initials of the editors, the place of publication, the name of the publishing house, the year of publication, the first and last pages of the chapter.


2. Авербах М.М., Мороз А.М. Естественная резистентность к туберкулезу и некоторые вопросы иммуногенетики // В кн.: Иммунология и имунопатология туберкулеза. – М.: Медицина. – 1976. – С. 106-116.


2. Averbah M.M., Moroz A.M. Estestvennaja rezistentnost' k tuberkulezu i nekotorye voprosy immunogenetiki [Natural resistance to tuberculosis and some questions of immunogenetics]. V kn.: Immunologija i imunopatologija tuberkuleza [In the book: Immunology and immunopathology of tuberculosis]. Moscow: Medicina. 1976. Pp. 106-116. (In Russian).

• for an article in the journal: the names and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year, volume (issue), number, first and last pages of the article.


3. Каркищенко Н.Н. Концептуальное пространство и топологические структуры биомедицины // Биомедицина. – 2005. – № 1. – С. 5-17.


3. Karkischenko N.N. Konceptual'noe prostranstvo i topologicheskie struktury biomediciny [Conceptual space and topological structures of biomedicine]. Biomedicine. 2005. No. 1. Pp. 5-17. (In Russian).

• for the site: a link to a page on the Internet.



1.5. Correction

Manuscripts that do not meet the rules listed will not be considered and will not be returned. The editors reserve the right to decide on the publication of the manuscript, to make editorial changes and abbreviations, stylistic corrections, and to transfer the article to another section of the journal. All manuscripts are sent to external review.

1.6. The fee for the publication and royalties to authors

For publication of articles is free of charge and the fee is not paid. After publication of the article, the authors sent a free copy of the journal.

1.7. Editorial address

• Postal address: 143442, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, settlement Svetlie gory, ow. 1. Scientific Center of Biomedical Technology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, the editors of "Biomedicine".

• E-mail addresses:

SCBMT of FMBA of Russia – scbmt@yandex.ru;

responsible secretary of edition Stankova Natalia Vladimirovna – sinayva@yandex.ru.

1.8. Terms of publication of works

The maximum period between the dates of receipt of the manuscript in the editorial office and publication in the journal is six months. Notification of the authors in case of rejection of the article upon preliminary consideration by the editor-in-chief due to the apparent inconsistency of the work with the journal topic occurs within a month after the receipt of the manuscript to the editor.

2. The procedure for reviewing articles directed to the editor-reviewed publications

2.1. All articles received by the editorial board are peer reviewed.

2.2. The manuscript of a scientific paper, received by the editorial office of "Biomedicine", is considered the responsible secretary for compliance with the profile of the journal, the requirements for registration is recorded. Responsible secretary shall review article on one or, if necessary, the two reviewers.

2.3. To conduct the review of the manuscript as reviewers may be engaged as members of the editorial board of the publication "Biomedicine" and highly qualified scientists and experts of other organizations and businesses that have deep expertise and experience in a particular scientific field (as a rule, doctors and professors) and with the publication of peer-reviewed articles on the subject for the past three years.

2.4. Payment of reviewers who are not members of the editorial board, made in accordance with the applicable rules.

2.5. Reviewers are notified that they sent the manuscript are the private property of the authors and are reportedly not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their needs. The review shall be conducted confidentially (one-sided "blind"). Breach of confidentiality is only possible in the case of the statements reviewer invalidation or falsification of the materials contained in the article.

2.6. By reviewing not involved professionals working in the same institution where the work was performed.

2.7. If the review of the article is a reference to the need to fix it, then the article is sent to the author for revision. In this case the date of receipt of the editorial board considered the date of return of the modified article.

2.8. Article directed to the author for revision must be returned to the revised form within a month. By the revised manuscript should be attached a letter from the authors, containing the answers to all comments and explaining all the changes made in the article.

2.9. If an article on the recommendation of the reviewer has undergone substantial processing of the author, it is sent for repeated reviewing the same reviewer who made critical remarks.

2.10. The editors reserve the right to reject entries from the inability or unwillingness to take into account the wishes of the author's edition.

2.11. In the presence of the negative reviews of the manuscript from two different reviewers, or a review of its revised version of the article is rejected without review by other members of the editorial board.

2.12. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer author has the right to give a reasoned response to the journal. The article can be directed to re-review for approval or the editorial board.

2.13. The decision on the appropriateness of publishing the review is accepted after the editor in chief, and if necessary – the editorial board as a whole.

2.14. Responsible secretary shall bring to the attention of the author of the decision. The maximum period between the date of receipt of the review of the manuscript to the editor and to make editorial board decision is two months.

2.15. Rules applicable to the review of the scientific article

The task of peer review – to promote strict selection of authors' manuscripts for publication and offer specific recommendations for improvement. The review should objectively assess the scientific article and contain a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological advantages and disadvantages. The recommended amount of reviews – up to 15 thousand. Characters (including spaces) to about 1.5 pages of text A4 12 pins.

2.16. Requirements for the content review of the scientific article

The reviewer should:

• determine the suitability of the material presented in the article, the profile of the journal;

• assess the relevance of the content of the article: whether the level of the material contained in its modern achievements of science and technology;

• to evaluate the significance of the results of research (scientific, practical);

• indicate how the requirements for registration considered the material of the article: article correspondence volume, the availability of abstracts in Russian and English languages, the availability of bibliography and references to it in the text, contact information about the authors, etc.;

• a qualitative and / or quantitative evaluation of the material described in the article (in fact, illustrative);

• assess the completeness and accuracy of the data presented;

• to evaluate the accuracy and use (or entered) the definitions and wording;

• to assess the literary style of presentation;

• provide reasonable conclusions about the article as a whole, notes, if necessary – recommendations for its improvement.

The complex of these issues is of a general nature. Each specific article requires an individual approach to the selection criteria for its evaluation.

The final section reviews the results of the analysis of the article should be given a clear recommendation of its publication in the present form, or the need to rework it or processing (with constructive remarks), and perhaps not appropriate its publication in the journal.

2.17. Editorial publications to the authors of submissions or copies of reviews of a reasoned refusal, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation when requested.

2.18. The originals are stored in the reviews of the publishing house and the editorial board within five years from the date of publication of the articles.

Approved by

Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Biomedicine",

Academician of Russian Aviation and Missile Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor Karkischenko NN.